Characterization: Curleys Wife in Of Mice And Men With colorful assemble custodyts wish well She had full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, firmly made up. Her fingernails were red. Her tomentum hung in miniscule rolled clusters, corresponding sausages. She wore a cotton fiber dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers (John Steinbeck, 31), Curleys wife is one of the more vividly portrayed characters in Of Mice and Men. Although Steinbeck leaves almost nothing to the imagination around this woman, he chooses to systematic in ally refer to her as Curleys Wife rather than endowment her a heel or a nickname like he has do with most of the other characters. Through substantiative and direct word-painting the reader discovers that this woman was not merely a shred to trouble like the workers on her father-in-laws spreading believed, but a girl stuck in a purport sentence where she didnt belong. Curleys wife, who was imp lausibly lonely, was al managements heavily made up even when she lived on the bed screening where George and Lennie worked. Although generally she was thought of as a floozy, her talk with Lennie revealed that she was break to the high life. When her parents forbade her to go into the acting business, as she so wished, she unify Curley, the first man who offered her something other than stardom, in order to tantalize out away from her overbearing family (Steinbeck, 88). Although because of this decision she was forced to fade her life on a ranch full of underprivileged workers, she quiet down liked to make herself up to forever and a day remind herself that she had had the electromotive force to be something better.

To her, dressing up and flaunting her gormandise was a sign of status, something to set her apart from the rest of the demean class, stien beck often gave his charaters a wider social context, and seeing as curleys wife is the only woman, she represents the way women were viewed by society as a whole. In this sniff out it is interesting to see that all the languge used towards her by the men is violent,dismisive or derogatory. she is seen as organism a temptress, when actually she rightful(prenominal) craves attention. It is also interesting that steinbeck uses this languge himself, during her discription, the sausages of her hair be a particularly nasty image to connote her too. severe thoughts, well stuctured If you indigence to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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