
Monday, October 17, 2016

Film Summary - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

John F Kennedy, president of the United States at one time stated that The great confrontation of the uprightness is very oft not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, barely the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. This citation reflects the messages in the put down He recognises me, he loves me not where L. Coloumbani modishly allows the feelinger to understand the magnificence of situations when looking at the truth. It allows us to think and not clean jump ahead and pack that whatever we see from a psyches perspective is the truth.\nIn the first half(a)(a) of the photographic film He loves me, he loves me not the viewer is persuaded to believe that an innocent young woman named angelica who is madly in love with a married heart specialist (Loic), is being used and treat by him. However in the latter half of the film we, the viewer, see the film from Loics point of view which past we find out that what we simply saw was safe ghoulish poin t of view of angelica who is diagnosed with Erotomania in the end of the film. in stages we start to relook at what we plainly saw and start to move in that what angelique saw as a relationship was just an illusion. Furthermore, in the second half of the film L.Coloumbani has also recreated an flick of loic as of a amiable and caring husband of a standard family. It is a try of a happy and undefiled marriage, however is finished from the dark stalker Angelique who frequently sends him gifts and messages. Though for Angelique we bring forth misunderstood a girl who we thought was a lovable and loving girl who was the dupe of a player, for a person we now know is a dangerous harasser who ruined a mans life. Therefore, it allows for us to now turn over our minds to the different perspective and that the truth is never just from a persons perspective.\nthroughout the film, L.Coloumbani explores the theme of reality versus illusion. In the first half of the film she has allo wed for us to view Angeliques point of view of her re...

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